Concern for Children and Environment Nepal


Photo Album
Case Studies


Organization Development Strategy:


For CONCERN's overall programmes, it will select human resources on the basis of experience and expertise in the related field.


CONCERN will concentrate on the development of skilled human resources required for fulfillment of CONCEN's objectives.

CONCERN's internal management will be developed and implemented according to CONCERN's board decision.


CONCERN will build up systematic networking with national and international organisations.


CONCERN will seek support from the community, governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as international donor agencies for the essential financial and physical facilities.


CONCERN will find out different ways to raise and collect financial and physical resources through its own regular income generating and fund raising programme.


Programme Development Strategy:


Each and every programme will be determined on the bases of pre-targeted community needs, the organization's objectives and its capacity.


Each and every programme will be implemented by proper consultation and involvement of the targeted community.


CONCERN will work collaboratively with different national and international organizations in order to fulfill its objectives.


CONCERN's programmes will be focused on those children who are under privileged and living in high-risk condition.


CONCERN will run income-generating programmes will be formulated to ensure the proper mobilization and involvement of the communities.


CONCERN will work together with the targeted community to build up empowerment and awareness among the children and community for the sustainability of the programmes.


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